Friday, July 26, 2019

online earning

Just click the picture around you to earn digital currency.It id one of the most used app in the world.
Click the link below.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Image result for warren buffett
You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


  1. Take breaks
  2. Make rituals a part of your day
  3. Have a ''do not disturb'' block of time
  4. Make a top 3 priority to-do list
  5. Organize your workspace
  6. Develop a time management system
  7. Check email and social media at certain times only

Friday, July 12, 2019


  1. The power of your Subconscious Mind                 Dr. Joseph Murphy
  2. The 7 Habits of highly effective people                 Stephen R Covey
  3. The one thing                                             
  4. How to win Friends and Influences People            Dale Carnegie
  5. Rich Dad Poor Dad                                                 Robert T Kiyosaki
  6. The 4 hours workweek                                            Tim Ferries
  7. Man's Search for Meaning                                       Victor E Frankl
  8. Secret
  9. Think and grow rich
  10. Magic of thinking big
  11. Power of positive thinking
  12. How to stop worrying and start living
  13. The intelligent investor

Thursday, July 11, 2019


                                             A POSITIVE ATTITUDE
        Benefits for you
    Image result for positive attitude
  1. Makes for a pleasing personality
  2. Is energizing
  3. Increases your enjoyment of life
  4. Inspire others around you
  5. Help you become a contributing member of a society and an asset to your country.
      Benefits for the organizations
  1. Increases productivity
  2. Fosters teamwork
  3. Solves problem
  4. Improves quality
  5. Makes for a congenial atmosphere
  6. Breeds loyalty
  7. Increases profits
  8. Fosters better relationships with employers, employees, and customers
  9. Reduces stress

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

People do not decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future.



A study attributed to Harvard University found that when a person gets a good job or promotion,85% of the time it is because of his attitude, and only 15% of the time because of intelligence and knowledge of specific facts and figures. It is surprising that almost 100% of education dollars go to teach facts and figures, which account for only 15% of success in life!

Attitude is the most important word in the English language. It applies to every sphere of life, including one's personal and professional life. Can an executive be a good executive without a good attitude? Can parents, teachers, salespersons, employers or employees be good in their roles without a good attitude?

The foundation of success, shouldn't you examine your attitude towards life and ask how your attitude will affect your goals.

online earning

Just click the picture around you to earn digital currency.It id one of the most used app in the world. Click the link below.  https://www.w...